Standup Radar

Filters ▾ {{getSelectedFiltersDisplay()}} ▾ Filters ▴
Only show artists that are {{$first ? '' : ($last ? filterMatch : ', ')}} {{::filter.text}}
No filters selected

{{::filterGroup.text}}: {{::filter.text}}{{$last ? '' : ', '}}

Showing events for {{artistsDisplay}} {{$first ? '' : ($last ? ' and ' : ', ')}} {{::artist.artistName}} within {{distanceFrom}} miles of {{location}}
{{event.eventDate}} {{event.artistName}} Tell Jokes {{event.location}} {{event.venueName}} {{event.distanceFrom | number:0}} miles Buy Tickets
We couldn't find a single artist to match those filters...that's a bummer man.
No blips on our radar...but don't lose hope.

Please verify the location is correct or increase search distance.
No blips on our radar at this time.

Please try again later. Retry?
Our location service was unable to find {{isLocationNotFound() ? getLocation() : ''}}.

Please verify the spelling is correct or try using a neighboring city.
Terribly sorry but you have exceeded the daily connection limit.

Please try again later.
Our service was unable to find the artist {{::getSingleArtistModeArtist()}}.

Please verify the spelling is correct.
Terribly sorry for the inconvenience but our service appears to be down.
